By Alex Roys CEU Courses News 13 Jan: The “Big Shot” Raises His Fee: Social Class in the Psychoanalytic Encounter – Stewart M. Crane, LCSW
By Alex Roys CEU Courses 30 Dec: Widening the Lens: Ports of Entry in Child Psychotherapy – NYIPT – Susan Caputo, LCSW-R
By Alex Roys CEU Courses 24 May: Healing in the Space Between The Words; Exploring the intersection of Hypnosis, Neurobiology, Quantum Physics, Ego State Therapy and Brainspotting – Dr. Susan Pinco, PhD, LCSW
By Alex Roys CEU Courses 24 May: Working Outside the Brainspotting Window of Tolerance; Integrating Ego State Therapy and Other Modalities to treat Complex Trauma – Dr. Susan Pinco, PhD, LCSW
By Alex Roys CEU Courses 21 Feb: Healing the Fragmented Self – Maggie Phillips / Susan Pinco, PhD, LCSW-R. BDC, CCR
By Alex Roys CEU Courses 26 Jan: Psychopharmacology With Children: To Medicate or Not? Diagnosis, Risks and Management Considerations