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Featured Therapists

Featured Therapists:

Every month, PTCNY features our member therapists. This month we’d like to introduce you to:

Modes of Treatment:
Individual, Couples, Group Therapy

I have extensive experience helping people move beyond: depression/low self esteem, anxiety/panic attacks, couple and interpersonal issues, and emotional trauma/PTSD. I am particularly well known for the latter, having studied and taught mind-body integration in psychotherapy for more than 20 years. I also have a strong background in mindfulness meditation, which I incorporate into the therapeutic process to help you become more self aware and more able to effectively manage stress.

Therapeutic Modalities:
I have a broad range of training in relational/psychodynamic, cognitive-behavioral, and mind-body approaches to therapy (EMDR, AEDP, psychomotor and hypnosis) that I draw upon as needed to support you in your healing process. I believe in tailoring the treatment to fit your individual needs, and integrate talk therapy with mind-body integration work (psychomotor therapy) to help you connect with your deepest feelings as well as develop awareness of what is needed to move forward in your life.

Portia Franklin, LCSW

Psychotherapy that is tailored to your needs can help you open the door to many new possibilities. In this process we work together to help you get in touch with what you really want for yourself, gain insight into whatever has been getting in the way of reaching those goals, and rediscover the power that you have within you to move toward a life that is more personally and professionally rewarding. The process is respectful of who you are, mindful of your potential, and responsive to what you really need for personal growth at this time. After having a practice in New York City for more than 20 years, I recently moved to Santa Fe, New Mexico. When a number of people asked that we continue our work by video, I was delighted to discover how well it works! So I now have offices in both cities, and combine video with periodic in-person sessions. If you are a busy person who might appreciate the convenience of experiencing therapy from the comfort of your own home, please feel free to get in touch to explore the possibility of working together. My goal is always to work with you to create the therapeutic experience that best matches your needs.


Modes of Treatment:
Individual therapy, Couples therapy, and Group therapy; supervision (of individual, couple, and group therapists), and consulting.

Anxiety; Depression; Trauma; Interpersonal Concerns; Eating Disorders; Grief; Separation and Divorce; LGBT affirmative

Therapeutic Modalities:
Interpersonal, Psychodynamic, Systems, and Cognitive-Behavioral Psychotherapy.

Susan Gair, LCSW

My style of work is active and collaborative. I respectfully challenge you to self-reflect on your habitual ways of thinking, feeling, and behaving, with the goal of recognizing both the positive and negative consequences on you as an individual and on your relationships. While listening to the content of what you speak about, I am simultaneously paying attention to your dynamics and patterns of thought, tone and body language. Together we find effective additional ways for you to self reflect and make changes.

I work with adults in individual, couples, and group psychotherapy; I supervise therapists and trainees in individual and group therapy; and I provide consultation and mediation.